Broken Oar

Video Gaming at Broken Oar in Port Barrington, IL
Established in 1904, Broken Oar extends its deep roots across seven riverfront acres for some of the most scenic views on the lower Fox River in Barrington, IL. Because of the gorgeous sights and video gaming fun, Broken Oar isn’t just a hit destination amongst townies. This place attracts folks from all over the midwest.
See what all the fuss is about and hop on one of the J&J Gaming terminals. Crafted by outstanding manufacturers such as Scientific Games, WMS, Spielo International, IGT, and Novomatic, Broken Oar’s VGTs could be exactly what you need to land a hot streak.
Food, Drinks, & Entertainment in Port Barrington
While it was established in 1904, the owners, Mike and Bonnie Haber, took over Broken Oar in 1985, so they’ve been around for a while. Don’t be surprised if you meet them in person while grabbing a drink or heading to the video gaming machines, as they’re known to work right alongside their staff. That’s because nothing is more important to the Habers than making their Broken Oar family happy.
Broken Oar has the largest beer garden in McHenry, a spacious sky deck, a full-service marina, panoramic views, a diverse menu, cutting-edge video gaming, and their famous oar stage and party tent. They love to showcase local bands during the warmer months and host plenty of public events.
Check out the Annual Fox River Shiver every March to benefit Lurie Children’s Hospital. During this event, spectators watch the costumed participants jump into the icy Fox River. Come out to the Susan B. Komen’s Hooter Shooter with bikini-clad participants snowmobiling and collecting money for the cause. Other public events include Oktoberfest and The Turkey Ball. If you want to throw a private party, just ask. They’ve held and catered weddings, reunions, and more.
Does this sound like the kind of place you want to pull off a huge video gaming win yet or what? Take your shot on the slots and see if Broken Oar is your new hot spot.
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